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Should We Have A 55th Reunion in 2025?
So far, we received an idea from Pat Almon:
When the Cudahy Public Library summer music schedule comes out, maybe find a date with a good group and go from there in 2025 summer. And have the next BIG Reunion on our "60th" in 2030!! Great idea!!
So 1970 Classmates, next year is our 55th year since we graduated. The committee would like your ideas of whether we should plan a casual reunion? We could just meet at Whitnall Park Beer Garden or Sheridan Park or we could do a casual get-together at Joe’s K Ranch OR ????. It would be nice to get the date out early for travelers so they can plan their summer activities!! Please share your ideas under "What's New"??
Thank You,
Patsy, Penny, Ruth, Bonnie, Ron, Tom, Eddie, & Jim
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Top Row: John Koestler, Rick Greicar, Karl Dovnik, Sharon Slusar, John Hoffman, Mike Wagner, Kathy Teschner, John Baranowski, Terry Liegler, Darryl Victoreen, Duane Rickaby
2nd Row: Ron Kampa, Tom Hackbart, Glenn LePine, Alan Markowski, Ruth Flood, Darlene Zieske, Doug Dembrowski, Pat Almon, Robert Papala
3rd Row: Bonnie Bessler, Ron Behrendt, Charleen Victoreen, Marie Gago, John Taucher, Margaret Barber, Bruce Maresch, Bernie Anderson
4th Row: Eddie Johnson, Dawn Kresser, Cheryl Bilski, Georgette Yokich, Rudy Niemiec, Jay Enzenbach, Nancy Cartwright, Diane Sotski, Patsy Martin, Helen Ramon, Brian Ireland
Bottom Row: Christine LaCasse, Vickie Kuckes, Penny Nelson, Jan Avakian, Lynn Lewandowski, Pat Kenney, Mark Peck